Psalm 4: Please Help Me, God!

Read Psalm 4

O God, I need your help! Please answer me, my righteous God. I need you now more than ever.

Shame on you people for stripping me of the honor God has given me. Keep on chasing false gods, but know that the Lord will hear me when I call.

In your anger, do not sin. Be quiet and take a look deep inside. Confess appropriately. Do whatever it takes to absolve yourself from mistakes.

Others will ask for a new leader, someone to step in and right the wrongs that have happened. Let the light of your face shine on us. Fill my heart with joy once again.

I will sleep in peace, knowing that I have done what I can. I’m letting go and trusting you. My God will let me live in peace.


We live in a fallen world where calamities abound, and disasters come out of nowhere. Our modern society seeks sensational news. We want someone to blame when things don’t go the way we intend. Patience is the key, but this doesn’t mean ignoring the issue. Verse 4 reminds us that we can be angry, a valid emotional response, but that doesn’t give us a license to sin. Chances are, we are complicit in some way, so take a good look inside, “search your hearts and be silent.” This might be a good time to fast for a while.

Through it all, trust God completely. In Gethsemane, Jesus was overwhelmed with sorrow. He understands our pain. Lean on him in times of great difficulty. Find peace within your new heart. Sleep well.

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