Why Serve?

The foundation of this series of posts rests on serving those in need. My assumption from the outset is we agree that serving is important, so it’s essential to stop and consider what it means to serve. Why serve? At its core, serving others is focused on giving up the scarce resource we all have …

Giving Presents of Food to One Another and Gifts to the Poor

One of the most amazing things about the Bible is its ability to speak in different voices depending on how you ask a specific question. In this current study, the question we are exploring concerns our responsibility for the least, the lost, and the lonely in our community. When I started the journey, I was …

Remember the Poor

Pull up a chair. Sit and listen to the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians: All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along. The impact of this single verse fails to convey the powerful punch with which it …