Luke: Jesus Appears to His Disciples then Ascends

Read: Suddenly, we’re at the end of Luke’s gospel where he gives us a slight peek into Jesus’ appearance before leaving earth. The walk to Emmaus is followed up by an even more extraordinary event. While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” …
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Luke: Walk to Emmaus

Read: I would give anything to walk seven miles with Jesus, even if it took me all day to recognize Him! The women have told the disciples, they’ve checked out the empty tomb, and the word is already spreading. In this great story of two disciples, Cleopas and an unnamed other, walking along feeling defeated …
Luke: Jesus is Risen

Read: Finally, the event that overshadows all events in history: Jesus is resurrected! The course of the world is changed from this point forward. Luke provides words that are beyond amazing: “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! The women came with spices to anoint …
Luke: Jesus is Buried

Read: It’s important to appreciate the significance of this short passage: Jesus’ body was dead and buried. Anything short of death would fuel the conspiracy theorists who suggest that Jesus wasn’t actually dead, that somehow He survived the torture and cross. This is nonsense, of course. The Roman soldiers were good at completing their mission …
Luke: Crucifixion

Read: The crucifixion of Jesus, the horrible torture to death invented by the Romans, was a public spectacle designed to deter people from breaking laws. It literally made no sense for Jesus, He did nothing to earn execution, except that it was required for our redemption. The gospel writers don’t provide a lot of detail …
Luke: Trial by Pilate, Herod, and the People

Read: Luke provides a detailed account of the official process through which Jesus was tried and convicted. The Jewish leadership form an entourage and invade the courts of Pilate for the first pass. Pilate then passes the buck to Herod who passes it back to Pilate. Ultimately, he succumbs to political pressure from none other …
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Luke: Pre-Trial of the Messiah

In the last post, our focus was on Peter’s denials and his reaction to the realization that what Jesus said previously was not symbolic–it was very real. During these pre-morning scenes, Jesus is aggressively questioned by the high priests who have already decided His fate. It seems the guards pick up the scent as they …
Luke: Peter’s Denial

Read: Jesus’ prophecy about Peter’s denial is fulfilled in a handful of verses. The quick succession of events is definitely a one-two-three punch that takes my breath away. I’m reminded of mistakes I’ve made in the past that follow Peter’s pattern of behavior. I think the denial events are briefly covered to document the actions while emphasizing …
Luke: When Darkness Reigns

Read: The title of this section in most Bibles is something like Jesus Arrested. Luke covers the event in seven verses. Incredibly brief, yet powerfully heavy. I pray that you will turn off all your devices for 3 minutes and read the passage linked above, or have it read to you, whatever it takes to …