Oct 28 — NT-2-Review

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One Reply to “Oct 28 — NT-2-Review”

  1. For my second review, I have a hard time picking a single book or passage (again), but the overall theme of Paul’s message to his budding flock: Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the chosen one, the one sent from God who was crucified, buried and rose again through the unprecedented resurrection.

    Paul writes letters to the churches he planted on his aggressive mission trips–churches planted in difficult areas–and shows the love of God to all kinds of people. In Romans 2:4, “God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance.” And Paul did what he could to show kindness. Paul emphasizes unity in the church and exhorts us to work together for the building up of the church. Above all, Paul wants the early followers to understand that they are special, they are the new seed of what is to become Christianity and therefore they must be as pure as possible. This edict remains true today and is perhaps even more important as we attempt to reinvigorate followers and invite “gentiles” to the table.

    The Christian church is going through a new rebirthing process now and I believe this will happen through planting new churches, and essentially replanting existing churches, where the Gospel is not heard. Too many existing churches are simply tending the flock…this is not our primary purpose. Our mission, “to help as many people as possible…” must remain the center of our focus and we must help our brothers and sisters lead as many as possible to Christ. Paul emphasizes the death and resurrection of Christ and the amazing opportunity we have to play a part in leading others.

    Lord help us to pursue this goal with all our heart, mind, strength and spirit, with everything we have. Show me, Lord, what you would have me do as my part for the body of Christ.

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