unChristian: Intro

unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity…and Why It Matters

David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons  

Hope Fellowship is using this book for it’s Connection Groups to discuss scriptural truths that provide a stronger foundation in Christ and His Word. It’s an interesting study that provides insight into what our society really thinks about Christians.

Table of Contents

  1. The Backstory
  2. Discovering unChristian Faith
  3. Hypocritical
  4. Get Saved!
  5. Anti-Homosexual
  6. Sheltered
  7. Too Political
  8. Judgmental
  9. From unChristian to Christian



The Barna Group is a visionary research and resource company located in Ventura, California. Started in 1984, the firm is widely considered to be a leading research organization focused on the intersection of faith and culture.

Based on extensive research, Kinnaman and Lyons provide objective insights into our culture to gain an understanding of how we, as Christians, are perceived by the world, or at least the United States. Published in 2007, the book is nearly 10 years old and is thus based on data a bit older than that. Though I’ve only read the description, comments, etc., I believe You Lost Me is a follow-up title published in 2011 that affirms the findings in this book. The conclusion remains the same: we need to pay attention to what our society thinks about Christians and hear what they are saying if we want to be relevant.

The book essentially provides statistical data in a narrative form along with insights from church leaders around the country. Compelling stories and quotes from respondents are presented to make us look in the mirror and give us an opportunity to break down barriers we hold onto dearly.

The timing of reading this book (on the heels of Mittelberg’s, Ten Questions) is interesting. Why am I intrigued by this subject? I hope I’m responding to the Holy Spirit to climb out from behind the walls of church and get into the real world where real people are lost and don’t even know. I hope I’m hearing Christ’s call to show people He has the real answers to their questions.


Chapter 1 »

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