Parable of the Persistent Widow

As I was praying this morning, I remembered a friend who is going through a particular battle that has taken a huge toll on her physically and emotionally. Then I logged onto my computer and saw the quote from Richard Foster from his book, Prayer. It is difficult to comprehend how prayer works, but we know this is central to our faith. In this passage Luke prefaces the parable with these words:

to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

The woman in the story constantly approaches the judge (notably NOT a man of God) to demand justice. She’s not looking for a handout or for more than her fair share, she just wants justice. The “unjust judge” is tired of being bothered by this lady and in some respect is concerned she might resort to violence, so he hears her case and ensures she received justice.

Jesus explains that if an unjust judge would do this, how much more will God bring about justice for his people.

I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly.

The last verse adds a bit of a twist to this parable. Up to this point it’s an easy story to read and nod in agreement. Jesus adds:

However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?

Suddenly we are moved from an interesting story about a nagging widow to a question of faith for us all to consider. We are compelled to pray without ceasing, trusting that God hears our prayers, that God wants to hear our prayers. Lord help us to be a people who prays consistently and persistently and hear our prayers Lord.

Thoughts about serving others

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