Mark: Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter; Heals A Woman

Read: Mark 5:21-43

Jesus is not happy with the Pharisees, the teachers of the law, and the religious right, but he doesn’t apply that stereotype to everyone who wears the mantle of Jewish leader. This is important for us to grasp. Our version of church has plenty of Pharisees, but there are many inside those organizations that truly love Jesus and are doing their very best to live lives as disciples and disciple makers. I hope we are not too quick to judge!

In this story, Jesus demonstrates his love for one of the synagogue leaders, Jairus, by receiving him and hearing his request:

He pleaded earnestly with him, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.” So Jesus went with him… Mark 5:23-24

Tears begin to creep into my eyes when I read “my little daughter is dying…” The words are so sincere, they touch my heart. I don’t know how many children Jairus had, but it’s obvious that he is counter culture on several levels. First, he cares about his “little daughter,” his baby girl. My understanding of the culture at that time would dismiss baby girls as a burden, a non-contributor to the family, something necessary for procreation, but not for carrying the family name. Ugh!

Secondly, though Jairus is part of the currently established church, he seeks out Jesus, he’s not your typical Jewish leader. I’m sure there were many who were not dissuaded by the Pharisees and their evil desires to eliminate Jesus.

Hearing his petition to heal his dying daughter, “Jesus went with him…” Isn’t that just like our Lord, our Savior? I know it’s a simple phrase, but it’s amazing to read that Jesus stopped what He was doing, whatever direction He was headed, and went with Jairus. Do you see that? Can you believe that Jesus would walk with you?

Jesus Heals a Woman on the Way

Along the way, as if this weren’t enough, a woman seeks out Jesus for healing. For 12 years her bleeding simply would not stop. Doctors had not clue (I can’t imagine what they tried). She spent everything she had for a remedy, but it only got worse. Then she heard that Jesus would be walking by and knew that He can heal her, but she is “unclean” by definition, so she had to disguise herself and sneak up to touch the hem of His robe. Instantly she is healed and Jesus decides to use this as His preaching point, on the way to Jairus’ daughter.

But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” Mark 5:32-34

Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter

It took time to make the journey, though it doesn’t seem like it was that far. In whatever time it took, the little girl died. Jairus’ friends and family already began to mourn, but Jesus has a different plan. He and His selected three disciples (Peter, James and John) plus mom and dad went into the room where the little girl laid.

He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished. Mark 5:41-42

Beautiful story. Happy ending. Many lessons to draw from these few words. I can’t help but be overwhelmed at the deep demonstration of Jesus’ love for those who would simply reach out to Him. He’s willing to walk with us, to take our hand, to heal our brokenness.

Jesus, we love you! Oh how we love you. You are the one our hearts adore!

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