Luke: Samaritan Opposition

Read: Luke 9:51-56

Luke is already beginning to point to Jesus’ resurrection, though it’s a bit early in the narrative, as His ministry spreads. It’s interesting that Jesus doesn’t hesitate to not only go through Samaria, but made plans to stay in the area much despised by the Jewish leadership.

The messengers sent to prepare a place are rejected, so the disciples have a suggestion:

When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” Luke 9:54

Two of the inner circle have an idea: Blast ‘Em! (thus the featured image).

But Jesus turned and rebuked them. Then he and his disciples went to another village. Luke 9:55-56

The positional authority that Jesus has over His disciples is truly amazing. They have so much respect for Him, yet they have so much to learn. Jesus picked these guys to ignite the flame of Christianity for the world. I’d like to take time to catalog all the episodes where Jesus has to rebuke His chosen few, something for another day.

The lesson here is seen in many places in the Bible. Hardened hearts will not be turned by forcing the issue. Dust off your sandals and press on. There are those who will listen and those who will not. Let’s focus on those who are truly seeking the kingdom and pray for the Spirit to soften hearts.

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