Luke: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

Read: Luke 9:10-17

Jesus’ ministry is in full motion now. Initially, He went and preached with a few, then appointed the Twelve, now they have just finished their first real world experience in preaching the incredible news: the kingdom of God is available to all! The lesson is as provocative today as it was years ago. The response will be the same as well: people want to gather to learn more.

In this instance, Luke tells us how thousands of people seek out Jesus to hear and learn. The sick are healed as the crowds swell. On a very practical level, the disciples suggest that Jesus disperse the crowd, but Jesus has a more important lesson to teach His disciples:

He replied, “You give them something to eat.” Luke 9:13

This morning, I’d like to focus on the first word of verse 13: You. Jesus didn’t tell them to sit back and watch, He gave them specific instructions.

“Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” The disciples did so, and everyone sat down. Luke 9:14-15

The image I have in my mind is one where Jesus is not on display here; rather, He’s talking to the disciples on the side and giving them instructions. The people are interacting with them, not Jesus directly. That’s not a new concept, but it’s important to consider.

Jesus sends us into the world with very specific instructions. He has provided all we need. The Spirit has equipped us with gifts and abilities. When we look in the mirror, we see only a little, but He sees one of His sons and daughters and has no doubt that we will succeed if we would simply follow His directions.

Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. Luke 9:16

God has prepared a table before us. He cares about our every need and He wants a relationship with all who would answer the call.

The crazy thing is this: He wants us to distribute the bread.

Lord, may we see the opportunity right in front of us this morning. Help us to have faith that the little in our hands is exactly what you want us to have at this moment for Your greater purpose. Give us confidence as we go out into the world to make disciples–just as you commanded.

Thoughts about serving others

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