John 20:1-10 — The Resurrection of Jesus
John 20:11-30 — Jesus Appears to the Disciples, Mary, and Thomas
John 21 — The Final Interactions of Jesus
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“Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” (John 21:15). Jesus appears to his disciples for the third time since his resurrection. This time he coaches them on fishing and invites them to breakfast. As they sit around a fire of burning coals, no doubt having some conversation, Jesus turns to Simon Peter and asks a simple question, “do you love me more than these?” In a sermon I watched recently on this text, the pastor highlighted this scene. He suggested that perhaps Jesus picked up a fish as a prop and pointed it toward Peter while asking the penetrating question. It’s such a profound question that Jesus will ask Peter twice more, but look at the circumstances. In the previous chapter we read, “And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.'” (John 20:22-23). A week after that Jesus met with most of his disciples we encounter him again as he appears to Thomas (Doubting Thomas) in particular (20:26-29). Chapter 21 begins with the word, “afterward” and leaves us only to speculate how much time has passed.
Here’s the thing that just jumps off the page at me this morning, Jesus breathed on the disciples at least a week prior to the account of breakfast on the beach. Peter, what have you been doing? Seriously Peter, Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on you (and your friends his disciples) and you are fishing? Really? Don’t you love Jesus more than fishing? “Do you love me more than these?”
Lord forgive me for simply returning to my old ways after receiving the Holy Spirit and hearing your call. Lord, I do love you more than anything and I will feed your sheep, your lambs, your flock, I will take care of your sheep. With your help, with your guidance, Lord, I will follow you.