May 30 — Isaiah 13-14

Isaiah 13 — The Judgment of Babylon
Isaiah 14 — The Restoration of Jacob and Taunting of Babylon

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One Reply to “May 30 — Isaiah 13-14”

  1. The prophesies addressed in these chapters are severe and show the utter destruction of the Babylonian Empire. Isaiah provides hope for those who hear these words, “The Lord will have compassion on Jacob; once again he will choose Israel and will settle them in their own land” (Isaiah 14:1). The fall of Babylon will be followed by Israel’s rise. Those who were once high and mighty will be “brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit” (14:15).

    It’s the hope of the Gospel we cling onto. While Ahaz and his court may have ignored Isaiah’s words, surely some heard, some took heart in knowing the Lord was with them and would eventually have favor on his people. Perhaps not in their lifetime, but in God’s timing and for the great purpose of building his kingdom or those who would believe. Rest assured the pain and difficulties inflicted by those who seek evil motives will one day be relieved. Stay steady, keep the faith!

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