Feb 2 — Exodus 7 – 10

Ex 7 — Plague 1: Water Turned to Blood
Ex 8 — Plague 2: Frogs, Plague 3: Gnats, Plague 4: Flies
Ex 9 — Plague 5: Livestock Die, Plague 6: Boils, Plague 7: Hail
Ex 10 — Plague 8: Locusts, Plague 9: Darkness

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One Reply to “Feb 2 — Exodus 7 – 10”

  1. Moses was 80 and Aaron was 83 when they spoke to Pharaoh (7:7). Though I don’t compare myself to any great leader, it’s interesting to see Moses began his “career” at 80…what we would call middle-aged these days. This gives me hope! 🙂 Why I didn’t begin full-time ministry at 17 is beyond me, but I can’t turn the clock backward.

    The dialog between Moses and Pharaoh is interesting as the plagues progressively become more severe and the distinction between believers is pronounced. Pharaoh must have seen Moses as a super-sorcerer, but clearly he had no room in his worldview for One God. Eventually, Pharaoh tires of Moses and threatens to kill him if he sees his face again (10:28), but clearly he has no room in his heart for belief that God is the I Am. Nothing will convince him. It seems our culture keeps slipping down this path as God is removed from schools and society. It becomes increasingly difficult for those who are raised completely outside of faith to believe there is such hope, or even a need for such grace.

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