Jan 30 — Exodus 1 – 2

Ex 1:1 – 1:7 — Israel Grows to Great Numbers in Egypt
Ex 1:8 – 1:22 — Pharaoh Persecutes Israelites, First born killed
Ex 2:1-10 — Moses is Born
Ex 2:11-25 — Moses Leaves Egypt and Settles in Midian

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One Reply to “Jan 30 — Exodus 1 – 2”

  1. Ex 1:8 — “…a new king, to whom Joseph meant nothing…”
    The NIV Study Bible notes some 200 years passed by this time, so it’s easy to see how Joseph would be forgotten. Still, it’s sad to think such rich legacy was disregarded.

    Ex 1:12-22
    The Hebrew population is growing like crazy, so Pharaoh tells the midwives to kill the boys when they’re born. The midwives disregarded this demand and lied to Pharaoh (1:19), so “God was kind to the midwives…” (1:02). I hadn’t really noticed this section before. These midwives were exceptionally brave. Their example (Shiphrah and Puah) is honored by Moses and is good for us to notice. Would I be so bold? We live in such freedom that we don’t really consider such threats, but certainly they would have been put to death had Pharaoh known about their deception.

    Ex 2:5-10
    Moses as a newborn is left in a basket on the Nile, Pharaoh’s daughter finds him and Miriam “helps her” by finding a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby…just “happens” to be Moses’ mom. Nice!
    I’ve always loved this section. God’s provision and perfect plan is so clear in hindsight.

    Ex 2:14
    Moses was obviously very strong-willed and a bit arrogant. He kills an Egyptian and butts into an argument among Hebrews. They let Moses know his actions were not so secret and Moses decides to run and hide.
    Our actions are always known to God, we cannot hide. We raised our girls with this simple truth, “lies will always become known.” We may think we’re getting away with something, but in one form or the other lies will shape our lives. Hopefully, our continued faithfulness will help us mature as Moses obviously does here…eventually.
    It’s great to see the errors of our forefathers, their mistakes and their faithfulness. It gives me hope!

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