Feb 28 — 1 Samuel 3-4

1 Sam 3 — The Call of the Prophet Samuel
1 Sam 4:1-11 — The Philistines Capture the Ark
1 Sam 4:12-22 — The Death of Eli

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One Reply to “Feb 28 — 1 Samuel 3-4”

  1. Today we read about Samuel’s call in chapter 3. Samuel “did not yet know the Lord” (1 Sam 3:7) and since “in those days the Word of the Lord was rare” (1 Sam 3:1), it took Eli three times to figure out what was happening. Once he did, he told Samuel to reply, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening” (1 Sam 3:9). The Lord calls and Samuel hears the Word of the Lord, not a good thing for Eli and his family. Samuel was afraid to tell Eli, but Eli is not afraid, he remains steadfast as God’s servant. Even when Samuel gives Eli the bad news, all Eli says in response is: “He is the Lord, let him do what is good in his eyes” (1 Sam 3:18).

    Chapter four describes the misled Israelites and the demise of Hophni and Phinehas. Sadly, Eli dies when he hears the bad news of the loss of the Ark of the Covenant.

    Two thoughts emerge from this short account of the Lord calling Samuel in chapter three: am I prepared to listen and am I willing to hear what God has to say? Several times in the last few months, I’ve read Jesus’ parable of the Good Shepherd in John 10. It’s important to know God voice, how he speaks to us, then listen to what he says, even if it’s not something we desire. Sometimes this is a bit challenging for we can be confused by other voices around us. God help me to hear your voice above the chatter of this world, help me to know what you have for me this day.

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