Apr 28 — 1 Kings 19-20

1 Kings 19:1-18 — Elijah Flees Jezebel, The Lord Speaks to Elijah
1 Kings 19:19-21 — The Call of Elisha
1 Kings 20 — Ahab and Ben-hadad

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One Reply to “Apr 28 — 1 Kings 19-20”

  1. Jezebel, Ahab’s wife and one who worships Baal, threatens to kill Elijah, so he runs for his life! An angel helps sustain Elijah and he runs all the way to Mount Horeb (some 200 miles south). The Lord is not happy with Elijah’s decision to flee, so he tells Elijah, “Go out and stand on the mountain for the presence of the Lord is about to pass by” (19:11). There is a powerful wind, an earthquake, even a fire, but the Lord was not in those. Instead there was a “gentle whisper” (19:12) and Elijah heard the Lord, he recognized God’s presence. However, when God asks Elijah what he’s doing, he gives the same reply. Though he had a chance to confess his fear and ask the Lord to help (knowing God can do all things), he falters. God provides some specific instructions and lets Elijah know he has chosen a successor in Elisha.

    So many times I have tasted exhausting defeat, thrown in the towel just before God had intended a blessing. Nothing as significant or powerful as Elijah, but perhaps that’s because I failed lessor tests! Even though I know the verse, “if God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom 8:31), I succumb to my humanness and prevent God from doing his great work through me for his purpose. Why God gives freedom of will at these times I do not know, but he is sovereign and his purposes will be accomplished even if it has to be through someone else. Lord help me to trust you completely. Use me until I am spent for I know you will provide even when it appears all hope is lost. Even now when I can’t see 3 or 4 months in advance, truly no clue what’s in store for my family, help me to live each day in complete faith, giving all I have. All the praise, honor and glory is for you Lord and for your kingdom.

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