unChristian: 5. Antihomosexual

Many people in the gay community don’t seem to have issues with Jesus but rather with those claiming to represent him today. It’s very much an “us-versus-them” mentality, as if a war has been declared. Of course each side thinks the other fired the opening shot.1

Nearly ten years ago Kinnaman and Lyons were writing about the wave of criticism that was building from what we now see as the norm for many. Perhaps these warning shots were ignored then, but they cannot be avoided now. In this chapter we’ll wade into the discussion a bit, just a bit.

Ninety-one percent (91%) of Busters and Mosaics describe Christians as antihomosexual.

One thing I really appreciated about this chapter was the revelation that Christians have accepted divorce as normal, but shun those who come from the LGBTQ community (ironically, I just had to add LGBTQ to my dictionary). So it’s ok to be divorced, but it’s not ok to be gay. I’m not going to sit here and tell you I completely understand this topic, but I am embarrassed to admit I am biased toward this opinion–something I’m working hard to fix. Having said that, I don’t think I fit into any extreme category and I’m definitely not a hater of any kind. Still, I have a lot to learn from Jesus’ words, actions, example, life–his desire for all to enter a loving relationship with God.

Are there some sins that God will not forgive? (see Luke 12:8-10.) In this context the question is considered because many have been misguided into believing there is some special judgment for certain sins.  I was raised with the theology: love the sinner, hate the sin. You can’t hate someone into the Kingdom of God…it simply doesn’t work that way. As we covered in the previous chapter, Jesus’ strongest words and actions were against those who considered themselves the most devout, the religious right. I want nothing to do with this group. We’re all sinners trapped in our biased worldviews. We need to focus on Christ, on what God intends for us.

This chapter uses divorce, those who are divorced (and therefore have confessed a sin that Jesus was pretty clear about) to get my attention. As a society, we’ve been conditioned to think divorce is normal so we don’t give it a second thought. With extreme sadness I’ve recently read books that remind me that just a few decades ago in this country we had entire neighborhoods constructed for people whose skin happened to be darker than most. There were laws in place to enforce such behavior. Most would agree this was insane.

Most of the younger generation support same-sex lifestyles, marriage, adopting children, etc. Most of the older generation rejects the idea and would like to legislate their opinions.

There will no doubt be more discussions about those who have elevated sexual preference and gender identity as prominent issues that need to be addressed. Part of me sees this as a victory for Satan since it drives the church into corners, divides believers by confusing motives. “All have sinned” includes everyone. I’m no better than anyone else because I’ve read the Bible or go to church. There is nothing I can do to earn the grace that is freely given to all who would ask.


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Chapter 6 »



Kinnaman, David; Lyons, Gabe (2007-10-01). unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity…and Why It Matters (p. 91). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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