The Land In Between

As we move from the Old to the New Testament, it’s important to pause and reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going. Using’s reading plan, we’ll cruise through the New Testament through the end of the year. I’m not in a hurry, but I am excited about posting through the Bible in 2017. I’ve learned so much this year!

At the same time, Hope Fellowship is about to embark on a journey through the book of Exodus — talk about the land in between! Beth Ehlert and I continue to collaborate on writing songs that we believe are from the Holy Spirit, words and music He wants people to hear in this place and at this time. The process is amazing! Our hope is we are being obedient in listening to His voice in creating music.

Our mind map of Exodus chapters 1 through 15

Last night, we introduced a new song to the worship team: I AM. The mind map for this song covers the first 15 chapters of Exodus. Whew! From this messy dry erase board rendering, Beth heard a story and wrote a beautiful short narrative that became the introduction for the song. We had no idea what the song would sound like or where it would lead, but when we shared our journey with the team, they fully embraced the vision and added instruments and voices to the song that truly lifted our spirits. It is such a joy to be a part of a team of worshippers who happen to be excellent musicians!

One of my favorite verses from this section is Exodus 2:25.

God saw the people of Israel—and God knew. Exodus 2:25

The ESV translation is succinct and captures the heart of God for His people in such an eloquent way. “And God knew.” Beth’s post includes a video with the closing lines from I AM: We’re really looking forward to sharing this with those gathered at Hope Fellowship this Sunday.

Life on earth is in constant motion and I feel like I’m being pulled into a dozen different directions. I’m way behind on projects, but methodically making progress — Lord willing!

I was reminded by today’s Our Daily Bread post to make a joyful noise, to praise and worship with all our heart, to be thankful and joyful and for goodness sake, let the world know we are GLAD! No more frozen-chosen! We serve The Almighty God, The Creator, the One that created the solar eclipse we get to see next week (sorry if you’re not in Anderson SC or in the path!).

As we make our way through this day, I pray you will get closer to the God who wants His people to be free, who wants to fellowship with us, who longs to have everyone come into His presence with joy.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
For the Lord is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100:4-5




Thoughts about serving others

This link includes a list of posts about Serving the Least, the Lost, and the Lonely.

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Let the Word evoke words. May your life encourage lives.

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