“On the Sabbath day, make an offering…” I found this interesting given the later interpretation of “work” on the Sabbath–surely preparing two lambs, grains, flour and olive oil would constitute “work” by definition. There are several places where the requirement to “do no work” or “do no regular work” is specified. Offering is not regular work, our worship is pleasing to God. He is set on helping his people as they learn what it means to be his chosen people, set apart from the rest of the world.
The Lord provided regulations for marriage and for a father and his young daughter still living at home. There’s just a bit of irony here as we think about children living at home as adults. Ok, chapter 30 has nothing to do with our modern experience, but it popped up in my mind.
In the social context of Numbers, the father and the husband, i.e., the male in charge, has the authority to nullify the female vow or pledge (if he hears it and responds immediately). There’s no indication the same applies to a son who makes a vow or pledge and definitely no indication that the wife can nullify the husband’s rash words. Since I don’t really appreciate the culture within which these regulations were constructed I don’t want to presume much and certainly won’t consider projecting these rules into our current society. The takeaway in my opinion is the orderly way in which the Lord is defining how the Israelites should act.
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