Luke: Jesus Calms the Storm

Read: Luke 8:22-25

Luke tells us a story that begins with “One day…” Most of us know the story about Jesus rebuking the wind and the waves. Beth Ehlert created a video as her song story for Peace Be Still and later wrote the script for a video that became the focal point for Hope Fellowship’s Christmas Worship Night in December 2017.

Both videos prompt us to respond to the question about storms in our lives. How do you respond when your ship is being flooded?

The featured image for this post provides a great example for us to consider. The picture shows an isolated storm from a boat on the same body of water. The sea is calm, yet the storm in the distance is quite substantial. For those in the center of the storm, there seems to be no escape. They can’t see the calmness around them. No doubt their boat is getting swamped!

The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. Luke 8:24

Remember that day? You know, the time you knew it was all over, your ship was sunk, life is over, some catastrophic event finally crushed you, that moment when all hope was lost. I’m sure we’ve all had those moments, some fresher than others. If you’re reading this post, somehow you survived.

Jesus’ response: rebuke the waves… and the disciples. Did you see that part? Yes, He calmed the sea, that was crazy, but in the same breath:

“Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. Luke 8:25

Romans 4 reminds us to consider Abram’s faith as an example to follow. Even before he became the ultimate patriarch, Abraham, he believed God.

Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness. Genesis 15:6

When storms are raging around us, it’s important to keep our perspective. For those stuck in the middle of the storm, it’s no fun and it’s definitely real. A boat caught in the center of the thunderstorm in the picture is without a doubt getting hammered, but it will not last forever.

Take a break and watch Beth’s video:

Listen to that voice that begs you to be still and know that God’s desire for your life is for good. There’s no guarantee that every moment will be a walk in the sunshine, but know for certain, His desire is for you to know the fullness of His love for you. With that assurance, have faith. Have so much faith that it spills over into everything you do today.

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