Jesus Predicts His Death

It’s interesting that John tells us about “some Greeks” who worshipped at the festival. These were not Jews, but (according to the NIV Study Bible notes) people who were “attracted to Judaism by its monotheism and morality, but repelled by its nationalism and requirements such as circumcision.” These seems to describe many who want the apparently positive things about Christianity, but want to pick and choose the parts they like best to shape and mold their own religion. Perhaps this describes the “coexist” crowd or the unitarian church.

They want to see Jesus, no doubt his fame spread, stories about his words and works.  They don’t know this is his last week among them physically. Jesus provides a synopsis of what is about to happen and what must be done to secure eternal life.

Jesus’ focus is on being obedient, “Father glorify your name!” Then a voice is heard from heaven: “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.” Some heard thunder, others the voice of an angel, all heard something.

Jesus goes on to explain this death and resurrection with an important emphasis for the Greeks who are looking for answers:

And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself

All people, Jew, Gentile, Greeks, even Americans–all people.

In one week we will celebrate Christmas. For me, it’s really not important if this is the actual birthday of Jesus, only that we celebrate he was born on earth through the virgin Mary as prophesied. That he came for us to be our savior. Jesus came to draw all people to him. It is nothing less than amazing. While this is hard to believe for many, may we who believe be given the gift of sharing his love through Christmas.

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