Esther 9:1-19 — The Jews Destroy Their Enemies
Esther 9:20-32 — The Feast of Purim Inaugurated
Esther 10 — The Greatness of Mordecai
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The day that Haman designed for the destruction of the Jews arrives, but with Mordecai’s wisdom, the Jews have “turned the tables” (Esther 9:1) and “No one could stand against them” (9:2). The sons of Haman are listed by name as a reminder that in one breath his family lineage was ended. The brutality of the time is hard to read, but in context, I just have to appreciate that God’s will if being accomplished.
The book of Esther closes with the creation of the Feast of Purim, a celebration that is still recognized by Jews to this day. A Google search on this feast provides a wealth of information about this Jewish celebration and I’m reminded of the richness of Jewish tradition. While I’m not suggesting we turn back to those who are bridled to tradition, it seems important to appreciate the reminders and celebrate those who have gone before us to clear the way for us to follow. Remember the past, but don’t get lost in it.
It’s interesting to note that God is not specifically mentioned by name in this short book, yet his providence is seen throughout. God is always working in his people, whether in the foreground or background, we can rest assured that his ways are constantly at work. I see this in my own life where events well beyond my control shape the path that lays before me. It’s an interesting mix of free will and the will of God. Esther had a choice, but God’s will would be done in any case (see Esther 4:13-14). Lord help me to work wisely in your will as revealed in the story of Esther and Mordecai, both parts are significant: working with wisdom and within your will. Sometimes it’s not so clear, so Lord please help me to hear your voice above all the others that tend to distract me!