Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions — I didn’t realize how “churchy” that phrase was until just a few days ago! Every segment of society, in and out of the church, has some form of devotional. Athletes would use the term workout or practice, but it’s really the same idea: do something consistently and effectively, every day, and over time you get better at whatever has your attention. As Christians, we call this a daily devotion.

Daily devotions are critical to our continued growth as Christ followers. One of the key passages that I love to reflect on is the one where Jesus explains that he is the shepherd and we are his sheep. The sheep know his voice and the shepherd knows his sheep. (See John 10).

For years, my wife and I have taken a few minutes in the morning to read Our Daily Bread (http://odb.org/). It is really easy for couples to grow a few verses at a time by reading the same scripture reference and reflecting on the short story every day.  This simple act expresses our devotion to growth in Christ–our daily devotional.

The best way to know the voice of Christ is to listen to him every day. The best way to do this is to read the Bible every day.

One of the best ways to grow as a couple is to focus on the same scripture every day, even when hundreds of miles separate you for whatever reason. Take some time to look at the variety of devotionals that are available, especially online, pick one and commit to it for six weeks.  Talk with each other about it in casual conversation.

As couples put God first in their relationship they will naturally grow closer together. Daily devotions are just one part of a growing, healthy relationship with Christ and with each other.



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