Colossians 1 — Greeting, The Preeminence of Christ
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Let the Word evoke words. May your life encourage lives.
Reading through the introduction in the NIV Study Bible (Zondervan), it appears that the book of Colossians records Paul’s letter to a church planted by Epaphras in Colossae. This is especially interesting to me as I dive into supporting church planters and church planting in general. Here, it appears that the new church is under attack, so Paul writes this letter to help build their case for Christ. There is a lot to be learned from Paul’s approach to defending the Gospel.
Paul begins his letter by affirming the Colossians’ faith, letting them know “the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world” (Colossians 1:6). This assurance is great to hear from an authority, especially when you’re in the trenches and simply feel like what you’re doing just isn’t making a difference.
Verses 15-23 provide a recap of Jesus Christ, a concise depiction of who Christ is:
Well, that list was looking good until verse 23: “if you continue…” Now we have a problem. What if you don’t continue in your faith? What if you move away from the gospel? How does that happen? How do we know for certain we are doing the best we can? Is Paul about to give us a set of rules to apply? To unpack this just a bit, here are some excellent concluding words found at–no-presentation–1:23-
Lord, I pray that I will continue in the faith by the power of the Holy Spirit and with his help alone! I can only be presented holy and blameless through perseverance and I can only persevere with your help. Thank you Lord for this assurance!!