Matthew: John Prepares the Way; Jesus’ Ministry Begins

Read:’s video introduction to Matthew helps provide context and a framework within which we gain his perspective on the life of Jesus. Matthew choice of stories depend on some knowledge of what we call the Old Testament, common knowledge for those in his time. Today we read about John the Baptist’s preaching and baptizing …

Zechariah’s Song

Read: Zechariah has all kinds of words of encouragement, a song to sing for all to hear and be glad. He spends little time on past sins (thankfully), focuses on joy and laughter, then paints a picture of the future to give us all great hope. Two years into the reign of King Darius, Zechariah …


Read: Jonah’s preaching was only a temporary fix for the city of Nineveh, soon they returned to their evil ways. Nahum primarily speaks against them in words that depict the final fall of the once great city, perhaps the jewel of the Assyrian empire. They will not continue to abuse people. The Lord speaks through …