Mark: The Plot to Kill Jesus

Read: Following the Olivet Discourse in chapter 13, John Mark begins the chapter by pointing out the fact that the leadership is actively looking for a way to eliminate Jesus, to kill Him. Now the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread were only two days away, and the chief priests and the teachers of …
Mark: Signs of the End of the Age
Mark: The Awesome Temple
Mark: The Widow’s Offering

Read: John Mark and Luke include this short narrative about giving offering for the temple, the massive enterprise, the centerpiece of Jewish culture at that time. It’s a brief look into life around the temple, but we have a few extra adjectives to describe the event that I found interesting: Jesus sat down opposite the …
Mark: Warning Against the Teachers of the Law

Read: Once again, Jesus warns the people about the hypocrisy of the teachers of the law. Matthew devotes and entire chapter to the subject, while John Mark and Luke provide a very brief summary. As he taught, Jesus said, “Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes …
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Mark: Whose Son Is the Messiah?

Read: Here’s a short passage that easily slips by on the Bible-in-a-year reading plan. I wonder if there are nuggets of wisdom for us to gain by slowing down and pondering why John Mark (along with and ) chose this seemingly simple lesson to include among many taught in Jerusalem during Jesus’s last days on …
Mark: The Greatest Commandment

Read: Love God. Love neighbors. Love yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. Done. Publish. Not quite so fast. Not because I’m trying to add words to Jesus’s very clear answer here, but because I want to step into the shoes of the man who had the opportunity to ask one question of Jesus …
Mark: Paying the Imperial Tax to Caesar

Read: The battle between church and state has raged for centuries. Today we are reminded of how we should approach this classic face-off as we read John Mark’s account of the interaction. Unholy Alliance In light of several things I’ve learned through this present study, here is another example of an alliance that is significant, …
Mark: The Parable of the Tenants

Read: In this powerful parable, Jesus speaks directly at the Pharisees, the teachers of the law, the leaders of the religious right. The words are so pointed and accurate that the crowd understood implicitly. And since the crowd understood, the religious leaders were unable to act publicly. Their plot thickened. The Parable “A man planted …