Moving from Spectator to Participant: How The LOT Project Changed Me

The shift from wanting to serve in the community to helping others find a place to serve was subtle, yet significant. A few short years ago, I met Andy Gibson and Cody Wright at The LOT Project (David Moore joined the team a year ago). The idea was simple, just show up and lend a …
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When Leaders Pray

In one way or another, we’re all leaders. People will choose to follow (or not) based on our actions, decisions we make, policies we support, or the goals we pursue. Leaders, in this case, suggest those who are leading well, i.e., they are respected and admired. The number of people following is not the point, …
Time to Grow Up

I listened to another sermon by Tim Keller today that caused me to stop and consider my current spiritual maturity. Our culture is pretty good about keeping track of progress during our formative years as humans on the planet. Soon after we’ve learned to walk and talk, we begin the assessment process from Pre-K all …
Seeing People with God’s Eyes
My Brother’s Keeper

Am I my brother’s keeper? The question keeps coming up, though mostly indirectly. At a men’s breakfast Bible study this past Saturday, the verse popped up again at the beginning of the session. Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” When …
Hannah’s Prayer

One of the joys I’ve had in this life is the time I’ve spent with youth and young children. Their perspective on life is untainted, pure, and honest–at least at the youngest end of the spectrum. Our modern culture shatters innocence far too early. As a reluctant middle school pastor, I learned this years ago. …
Giving Presents of Food to One Another and Gifts to the Poor

One of the most amazing things about the Bible is its ability to speak in different voices depending on how you ask a specific question. In this current study, the question we are exploring concerns our responsibility for the least, the lost, and the lonely in our community. When I started the journey, I was …
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The Year of the Lord’s Favor

Suddenly, Thanksgiving and Black Friday are in the rearview mirror. Advent is upon us. This season of hope insists that we look for words of encouragement beyond the sobering headlines. As I wander through the hundreds of verses chosen for this particular study, the words of Isaiah grab my attention. Chapter 61 begins with these …
I’m thankful for those who serve so well

Last night The LOT Project was overflowing with people from the surrounding community and a host of volunteers from Gospel Light Church and more. AnMed was there again to encourage and administer free flu shots as cases mount to infect some of the most vulnerable in our area. Special thanks to Bobbie Blake for organizing …