The Final Words of Moses

Deuteronomy 32 – The Song of Moses

Deuteronomy 33 – Moses Blesses the Tribes

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One Reply to “The Final Words of Moses”

  1. Moses reminds us the God is faithful, he has not forgotten his promise, though 430 years passed between Jacob’s leadership in Egypt and God’s deliverance through Moses: “For the Lord’s portion is his people, Jacob his allotted inheritance” (Deuteronomy 32:9). His people, God cares for his chosen people. Moses recites his song, most of chapter 32, for all the people to hear then concludes: “Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law. The are not just idle words for you — they are your life” (32:46-47).

    Lord I pray that we would take your Word with such sincerity as Moses commanded, as you require. As we get to know you more through studying these words, I pray we would fully understand “they are your life.”

    Moses is certainly not afraid of death, for he has served the Lord well. Even though he is not allowed to enter the Promised Land, he blesses the people as his last act of devotion to them for the Lord (Deuteronomy 33) as he highlights something about each tribe. Such a great man, Moses, leader of the stiff-necks. Amazing story of a great life for the Lord!

    Reading the last words of Moses, the honor with which he blesses the tribes, is humbling (to say the least). Here is a man of God like no other. He put up with rebellion, we deceit, with sin and failures and still led the people forward. He felt their pain, their shame, he watched them grow from infant to adulthood. In the end, he blesses them, not forcing them to wallow in their sin, but finds great things to say about them to encourage them as they prepare for the next bold step.

    Moses climbs the mountain and sees the Promised Land with his eyes and he dies there in Moab. They buried him “in the valley opposite of Beth Peor” (33:6). How fitting. How appropriate.

    Lord help us to learn from your servant, the great leader that he was. Thank you for your words today!

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