Ten Lepers are Healed

As Jesus was walking he was approached (at a responsible distance no doubt) by ten lepers. They shouted out “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” I assume they shouted because as lepers they would have been force into isolated groups. Jesus doesn’t hesitate. He heals them with a word and tells them to go and see the priests to verify their status and be reinstated to the community.

Yet only one of the ten is thankful, only one runs to Jesus to show appreciation, and this one is a Samaritan. I think Jesus wanted to make a point that even those despised by the world can come to him for salvation. The other nine may have been healed physically, but this man was healed completely.

As we cry out to Jesus for many things, I pray we will remember to be grateful for how the Lord appropriately responds.

Thoughts about serving others

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