Half-Time and Next Steps

Hard to believe it, but our youngest daughter is about to graduate from High School and head off to college. We’re about to become empty-nesters. Wow!
God has truly blessed us with four incredibly talented, beautiful, bright, gifted daughters. Thank you God for your amazing blessings. I pray that each of our children find their way in this crazy world, that they draw upon the lessons You taught them through us during their formative years and that You help them put aside troubles of this life. Love the Lord. Care for them. Show them Your love in ways we would never imagine.
A few weeks ago I was coerced into making a video…this time in front of the camera instead of behind it. Here’s that link.

The lesson I hope our girls will take from this is the closing comment: run to the finish line! Run all the way!

Thoughts about serving others

This link includes a list of posts about Serving the Least, the Lost, and the Lonely.

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Let the Word evoke words. May your life encourage lives.